At Cyclamen we are striving for Sustainable solutions by pushing boundaries in the fields of:

Food Supply Chain Optimisation 
Wellness and Hygiene Innovation 

A CYCLAMEN flower in Japan signifies thoughtfulness!  By implementing novel Japanese technologies thoughtfully in the circular economy we aim to contribute regeneratively



Cyclamen Technology work collaboratively with  Innovative Japanese Corporations offering complementary technologies in the areas of:

Food Supply Chain, maintaining Food Freshness for enhancing the  storage freezing and cooking.

Photocatalytic food freshness 

Wave energy generation resulting in fresher for longer freezing and storage especially in Fish and Seafood

Reduced frying times increased efficiency of cooking 

Hygiene and Wellness spaces  including Air and Water Cleaning and Purification

Killing Pathogens in Air and Water 

Removal of unpleasant smells - without filters 

Removal of Mould and Pollen

Reduced use of detergents and soaps  

Easy clean in industrial and catering applications -less energy



Our Accessable Technologies 


Violet LED to illuminate a unique TiO2 substrate  Oxygen  and -OH  Hydroxide ions are generated on the surface 

Removes Pathogens 

Removes Foul smells 

Removes Mould spores 

Nano bubbles 

Enhances water's cleaning effect

less or no detergent

Antibacterial and antivirus effects

Stimulates the physiology of living things to promote the growth of crops and farmed fish. 

Purifies water.




Wave Energy Technology 

Food will not freeze even at temperatures between 0°C and -4°C, creating an ice-cooled and non-freezing refrigerated environment. 

The electric field environment can  greatly reduce the oxidation rate of food

Ingredients can be stored for extended periods in an environment that maintains freshness


Clean Air and Wellness in Spaces
Food Produce , Storage and Supply Chain 


Get in touch
Ask our team for advice on implementation of these solutions in your application 

Telephone: +44 7833226399



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